Monday, April 6, 2009

It all hit me today!

I'm not really sure why today was the day that I realized once May ends, I have few plans!  I know I'm moving back to Southwest Missouri. 
 I don't know
  • if I'll have a job
  • where this job will be
  • what grade I'll teach
  • where I'll live 
  • when I'll move 
Needless to say I'm starting to freak out a little.  FB, both my parents, and a couple people at school have been so sweet to reassure me.  Anyone know of anyone wanting to hire an elementary teacher? anyone.... anyone?  I've applied like everywhere, so hopefully I'll get a call soon. 


Holly said...

Mr. Thrasher is going through the same thing right now. He did get a call for an interview this week. We will keep our fingers crossed that you will too!

Adventures in Newlywed said...

Whooh, all so exciting though!